Thursday, September 30, 2010

Love is beautiful if seen from above..

In life, I've crossed upon a lot of experiences regarding love, some experiences are lovely, some aren't as enjoyable as it seems to be, some are tedious and require much care and maintenance but this isn't the love that is supposed to be if we're to be happy while still in this world. Love should be there regardless of all imperfections, love should be gentle, kind and caring.. 

Figure 1: My dear Janice and Aunt Alice.
The place I grew up in, I never knew what was love actually about, Was it about holding hands? Was it about kissing each other? Was it about making up? I was too young and too uneducated about love, I got the wrong context about love and everytime it never lasts due to my wrong perception of love..

Love is not only towards a special someone but also to everyone no matter the physical or the skin colour or even the gender, we should love everyone.. but what I say wrong perception these days, sometimes when we say we love someone, they say it's "gay" but for me, gay is bright and pleasant, true to it's meanings..

Figure 2: Love is everlasting and always true.
Love towards every member of the family is important, without that love, I might not be the person I am today, I may be a very avid collector of levi's jeans but without love, how can I have passion and the strength to go through life. Life is supposed to be beautiful, but without love, every second is suffering, every minute is torture and every hour emptiness fills a person without love..

Love is perfect, but sin spoil its purity.. Without love, there will never be a place called home, without love, there will never be happy marriages or family, without love, they will be no such things as best friends..

Figure 3: The cross and crown of thorns; proof of our Saviour's love.
Jesus won't die on the cross for us if it is not because of love, the pain and the suffering He experience is all because of His eternal love for us..

1st Corinthians 13:2-8

And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all the mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.
And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing.
Love suffers long and is kind, love does not envy; love does not parade itself; is not puffed up;
does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil;
Does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in truth;
Bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away.


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Outdoor Activities

Outdoor activities has been among my favorite things to do, last mid semester holidays, there are chances to go outdoors at Kota Belud, first week had camp at Dantai Beach, which was a mix of pleasantries.

 Figure 1: View of the hill top Bukit X.

However the adventure starts after camp, armed with my sweetheart, James, Jessie and a family of Jimmies a.k.a a group of people who clicks, we manage to climb up the tallest peak around Kota Belud which is Bukit X. 

Figure 2: Serene beauty of rainforest.

Tales are told that there are places of hauntings around the area due to it's dense and tall rarely inhabited area, however we went up and manage to reach the peak, the view isn't like climbing up Mount Kinabalu, however the hike tells me that, I am so unfit..

 Figure 3: Gindol a.k.a Jimmy with a circa 1930s Big E LVC Jeans.

Lots of adventuring can lead to dangers, If you are not fit for adventuring it is advised to get fit first. During the earlier part of the day, before the hike, Me and the other "Jimmies" went to the river for a "dangerous" fun bathing spree.

Figure 4 : Telecommunications tower which is rumoured to be haunted.
Well the river is "dangerous" at the time due to the currents are stronger because of the raining which happens the whole night. So the river is chocolate and really deep not to mention cold.

Figure 5: Hiked Hill X equipped with a pair of leather slippers and LVC Big E 503BXX

So excitedly we went and jump into the river and swam.. It was so fun that we decide to follow the river current downstream.. It was awesome, I feel awesome not to mention such a fun stunt.. Two jimmies went to the river side due to hitting the rocks when drifting like a log.. So all was left is me, my cousin Terry and James.. 

Suddenly due to strong current underwater, I strained my self to keep afloat.. I used up all my strength and stamina to try to scan the bottom, but I couldn't reach it.. I lost a lot of energy and called out to my cousin, without him, I probably wouldn't make it to the river side.. 

 Figure 6: A dead baby eagle, death is unevitable, yet so unexpected.

Then after going to the river side, I prayed and thank God that He protects me in a situation in which I could have not survived.. Praise the Lord..

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

New to the blogging world

Greetings, this blog is created to share my interests, mostly on collectibles items which the author is interested in, mostly on vintage as well as modern Levi's jeans, Adidas shoes and also Timberland boots which are currently in the author's possesion.

The author is new to the collectibles world, and still a student, however interest hasn't stop the author to be able to collect a few Big E vintage jeans from Japan. An avid collector, the pictures are going to be posted soon, the Big E models are 503BXX, 502XX and also 702XX. The author also collect modern jeans models such as the engineered jeans.

Figure 1: Modern Levi's jeans are also collected by the author.

There will also be section in which the author will sell some of the jeans, shoes and other collectibles I collect which doesn't fit or suit my collection taste anymore. The author is very open to all vintage knowledge regarding Levi's Vintage Collections which the author is really interested in.

Figure 2: The Big E tab which are found on Levi's Vintage jeans

Levi's Vintage jeans are jeans which are manufactured before the 1971, the jeans are distingushed from the more modern Levi's jeans from the red tabs on the back pockets which show's the capital or big "E". There are more vintage marks such as the famous red selvedge or red ear "akamimis" in Japanese, which are XX denim which are still made using narrow looms. Buttons on back pockets strain points, adjustable bucklebacks at the hind, V-stitched and double stitched as well as button punches are among the basic things to look for vintage Levi's. These are rare and expensive collectibles which are worth to collect.

 Figure 3: Single stitch is also an indication of vintage design.

The author always pays attention to detail of a collectives and takes high amount of concentration in considering an authenticity of the collectives. The author wears all his collectibles and cycles through out every pair of the collection with considered priority to the value of the jeans.