Monday, November 29, 2010

Vintage Levi's 517 Top Button No.8

Almost the whole day is spent to practice for my upcoming viva which is approaching in less than a day now. Still me and my sweet heart manage to squeeze some time together for an outing, as we went and go for a stroll together, I came across something really vintage.
Figure 1: The vintage stitching, Talon zipper and still perfect button.
Spotted with my own eyes this time, I spotted a tagless seasoned pair of Levi's, just by looking at it's bootcut features, I knew at once that it is a Levi's 517. However the backpockets and also arctuates are really different from the usual Levi's 517s before.
Figure 2: The close up of the Talon 42 USA zipper.
Immediately I took it, and searched its zipper, and to my suprise it is a Talon 42 zipper made in USA, a positive vintage indication. And right at the backpockets, its red tab only states an R. This really signifies something special about these pair of jeans. I tried to put it on, but it wasn't my size anyway. I was reluctant.
Figure 2: The "R" indicates something special about this vintage item.
And then I search the innards of the jeans for a care tag, and there is a small care tag with instructions, size and also model and year of make. These pair of Levi's jeans were made in the USA in the year 1979. Whoa, that's a long time ago, I wasn't born yet. This is really a pair of vintage jeans. And even though it doesn't fit, in my mind, I must get hold of a pair of these.

Figure 4: Vintage Levi's care tag.
So, basically today I had a great time with my sweetheart and we spent time together in a calm and unstressful way despite the upcoming viva. So, all the best to us and all those having their viva tomorrow. God bless.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Art is something that liberates the soul

Just one more day before my viva, still, trying my best to cope with that upcoming challenge, having some butterflies in my stomach, but I have already got a feel of it, whatever the outcome is, I'll accept it and I'll move on with full strength to improve myself.

Had a great day today, went out with brothers, James and Isaac, around Kg.Air and Gaya Street, manage to share some knowledge on how to determine the authenticity of branded and vintage clothing. That's the first day I'm actually wearing white, long sleeve tees, which is a Jean Michel Basquait crossover with Uniqlo.

Figure 1: The crown is the insignia of Jean Michel Basquait's artwork.
Its a very comfortable tee, not to mention the whiteness actually reflects and doesn't stores the heat from the sunlight. Just the perfect wear to the beach or anywhere on a sunny day.  Just a short introduction on, Jean Michel Basquait was an artist who incorporates words into his artwork, his artwork also expresses feelings and his background, internal human anatomy with mix of words.

The keyword for Jean Michel Basquait's art work is Neo-expressionism. Art is a beautiful and unpredictable, every little definition is different and varys in ones eyes. Jean Michel Basquait's background wasn't a good one, as his life is strewn with sadness, depression and also addiction, however his ingeniusity in bringing art to life is a gift which no other can offer.

James spotted the crown at the back of my tee, and as we searched on for rare stuffs, he came upon another tee which has the same insignia. As he show it to me, a glitter sparkle in my eyes as I bought the black, long sleeved tee for a mere small amount. A small part of Jean Michel Basquait's art have I obtained today. Excited as I was, we had our share of adventures.
Figure 2: Words incorporated in art.
More adventures to come, as I collect more and more of this small pieces of somewhat cheaper yet rare and beautiful depictions of artists. One may not agree with me but as quality is very important in a denim, art is something that liberates the soul.

"Walks of a collector"

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Finally got some time to write after weeks of tedious exams and assignments, however still have to perform for my final year project viva, which I hope I can get through without much emotional hurt. It is a very painful process in which there are some who breakdown and cry right after their viva. Still, I am strong hearted for I'm born in the year of the tiger.

Time is a very important factor to consider as an engineer, student and also for anyone living in this world. Time is always ticking, and never waits for anyone or anything, time just goes on and on. Still time is an element in this world that, for the present technology, there is no logical or scientifical way to control it. Time goes on and on, unstoppable and inconsiderate.
Figure 1: Prince of Persia : Warrior Within.
About a year ago, I finished playing a game which has a few series, namely Prince of Persia, the game is an adventure game of genre and is of course fictional. The game features excellent story line which which is incorporated into roleplaying gamestyle. The hero or the main character of the story, is the Prince of Persia, in which there are lots of obstacles and enemies to fight.
Figure 2: Prince of Persia "The Movie" and the Dagger of Time.
The main theme is the Sands of Time, which is a magical device which can allows the user to travel back to time. Throughout the game the Prince will also acquire the dagger of time which has the power to reverse actions which is fatal to the Prince. This however causes a tradeoff, as having the power to reverse actions that will cause death, means that Death itself is going after the Prince.
Figure 3: Prince of Persia "The Two Thrones".
A few months ago, that game is turned into a movie, so its a very exciting, action-packed movie which I have anticipated since I've finished playing the game. Back to the time issue, I've not been using time well lately and always been in a proper way "wasting time". 
Figure 4: The Prince of Persia (Movie Clip).
Time which is gone, is irreversable unlike the Sands of Time, so even when I'm idle and not doing anything, time never waits. I always wished that I will have time to do anything that I wanted to do, but that is not a good excuse of "wasting time". So, I guess I should prioritize and aim for what's better to do in life.

All in all, Lord let me live until I die.

Monday, November 8, 2010

What is Peace?

Figure 1: Peace can be symbolized as the dove.
From the dictionary, the word "Peace" there are a lot of definitions, to name a few, are "A state of quiet or tranquillity; freedom from disturbance or agitation; calm; repose". Is there such a thing as "Peace" in this world, or it is just otherwise, where there is no such thing as a state of happiness and peace.

I never knew peace until I truly knew how to trust God, peace is never available anywhere in any parts of the world nor in a person. If I wanted peace in a relationship, I would find a God fearing-trusting person, so in times of trouble, she'll not panic but continue to strive on and. To be able to trust in a higher power, when a challenge which seems impossible for me arises, I can still face it with strong faith..

Yet worldly peace means that you have to close your eyes a bit, saying that I'm okay, fake that peace a little bit, it wouldn't happen in Malaysia, even though the neighbouring country next to ours has just been hit by tsunami or earthquake.
Figure 2: Peace is destroyed by man himself.
 So peace of mind in this world simply means you have the resources or enough security or you are satisfied with what you have.. Still what if your world turns upside down 180 degrees, will you still have that peace of mind? Peace in your heart?

This world, even Malaysia is messed up wrong definitions of peace, which creates and messed up minds of young ones, and causes the caring of others to cease and thus dissapear, when living in the city, life is cruel even, and everyone seems to live for themselves alone, but let peace prevail for those who fear God and only God.

These are a few quotes by the great Mother Theresa,

"Peace begins with a smile." 
"If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other."

"The greatest destroyer of peace is abortion because if a mother can kill her own child, what is left for me to kill you and you to kill me? There is nothing between. "

"Let us more and more insist on raising funds of love, of kindness, of understanding, of peace. Money will come if we seek first the Kingdom of God - the rest will be given. "

Figure 3: This can't possible the symbol of peace.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Footprints.. Sometimes we don't realize..

This is a beautiful story which I have heard from sermons, read in chicken soup and seen almost everywhere in spiritual Christian sites. This is the story in where in life, when we feel that we're alone, and we start to lose faith and hope as the mountain of challenges is ahead of us. This is an amazing story which inspires me to the max.

The story goes,

One night I had a dream, I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord, and across the sky flashed scenes from my life. For each scene I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand, one pair of footprints belonged to me, and the other to the Lord.
When the last scene of my life flashed before us, I looked back at the footprints in the sand. I noticed that many times along the path of my life, there was only one set of footprints.I also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times in my life.

This really bothered me, and I questioned the Lord about it. "Lord, you said that once I decided to follow you, You would walk with me all the way. But I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life, there is only one set of footprints.

I don't understand why in times when I needed you the most, you should leave me.The Lord replied, "My precious, precious child. I love you, and I would never,never leave you during your times of trial and suffering.When you saw only one set of footprints,It was then that I carried you."

Figure 1: The touching "footprints" story.

Study, study, study..

Figure 1: I've already had a large collection of engineering books.
Everyone in an early or sometimes older phase of life faces time being a student. A student is a person who learns either in a higher insituition or a place of learning. Being a student means that you have all the right to learn and get the most out of your learning experience. A student faces lots of challenges be it directly or indirectly and this varies from a person to person. Still the ernest willingness to learn comes from the heart of the person itself. And of course, every person wishes to fulfil their own objectives during this phase of studying, which most people aim for which are better jobs with better monetary benefits.

Still, why does studying in Malaysia seems to be more systematic rather than  according to the students interests. Why since I was a student since small am I lead to such a rigid way of learning. Is this what learning supposed to be? Aren't learning supposed to be universal, wholly and unlimited. Why does the only path of study be from the Ministry of Education which has kept changing the whole syllabus to either English or Malay or so called Bahasa Malaysia, imposing and also removing exams.

Does that make sense? I've been studying in the Malay medium, where the teacher teaches in Malay, and everything, including scientifical and mathematical abbreviations have been directly translated to Malay which are so, unconvinient and this absolutely made me lost interest in those very interesting subjects. I really tried my best to seek interest and also convey to my parents that I've lost interest, but due to my lack of convincing and inexperienced behaviour which leads me to be called a lazy boy, I didn't manage to convince them.

How about today, well, they are definitely changing the English for Maths and Science back to Malay, its no suprise to see that today, and to look back the hardship which I felt during my younger days as a primary and secondary student. The education ministry of Malaysia, certainly fails to get the best education for Malaysians not to mention Sabahans. I got the worst education plus my incredible lack of interest, so it is a miracle that I manage to get into the University.

Me, myself taking engineering is considered blasphemous as my mathematical and physics as well as chemistry background is really bad during my secondary school. Still, I can't blame the mindset of people teaching me at the time, I can't blame the system, but I can still fight the wave and I believe that I can go to university. A dead fish follows the flow, while a live one should fight the waves no matter how strong they are.

Now, I'm on my final year, with all those thick books, and examinations which are considered as a semester chore, with final year project rushing me around and also the limited time which made the days pass so fast. It's already the end of my first semester of my final year, and I felt as though I was just starting. Studentlife can make you so, unstudent sometimes.

Enough with my ravings, there's lots to be done and I really do hope I still can blog more with the finals in a week time. Still, rest and also the occasional entertainment as well as submission to God Almighty is my most priority. May my path tread according to His will and may my actions tally to Him.

Praise the Lord who has blessed me with endless love..

Figure 2: Nothing wakes you up better than a cup of milo made with love.