Saturday, October 20, 2012

Catching the sunset

Figure 1: After sunset.
I was in a hurry to capture the sunset after handing in flyers for a church seminar. With me, I was accompanied by my little brother and two friends. As we set out the beach, I was optimistic as the sun was still high up the sky, however despite speeding past 100km/h the sun sets to my dismay.

It was almost dark and the sky is filled with dark clouds indicating that a storm will be coming soon, I set up my camera, not giving up as I have tried my best to reach just before the sunsets. It was windy and the dark waves are beating onto the rocks. Occasionally splashing on me.

With some filters and long exposure, I manage to get a least some of the light that is left of the sunset. I learned a lesson that day, that is, to be early and prepared in order to get the shot that I wanted. All in all, I would like to thank God for giving such a beautiful possibilities in life.
Figure 2: Sunlight fading.