Sunday, April 17, 2011

~~Beauty in the form of Nature~~

Figure 1: Orange Flower.
 I'm an avid collector, yet nature is one of those places where I would always like to portray myself in, to be able to feel, touch and feast on the beauty which is natural and not artificial, to be able to breathe in smells which aren't harmful and pleasant fragrance of peace.
Figure 2:  Pinkish Paper flower.
I would always want to portray my collections as much as possible in the beauty of nature, and this further makes my appreciation of beauty as well as art more robust, however the beauty of nature is beyond almost everything in this world, as God created this beauty with His own hands.
Figure 3: Yellowish flower.
While I wait for Your second coming dear Lord, I will work and do my best in every step, to obey and run this race of life fully serving you dear Lord, As I view the beauty of nature, I feel that peace and serenity in my heart and keep wishing deep in my heart, when battles rages around, do write Thy name upon my heart.

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