It was late, been busy with the the project's commissioning and ensuring that everything in the process goes according to plan or at least as close to it. No time to catch lunch these few days and luckily due to the painful experience from gastric I stocked some whole wheat biscuits in the office.
Figure 1: Tool in my pocket. |
I was so busy that I even forget to have fun these few days and worse of all, one night, I forgot my house keys. That was when I begin to fret over myself and before deciding to break my door, I calmed myself down and think. As I was moving about, I realized the clinking sound in my pockets.
I pulled the metal thingy out of my pocket and discovered it is a handy tool. I am not so experienced at lock-picking but I've done a few locks when I was still schooling. Ah, at least this is worth a try rather than breaking my door and replacing it with a new door lock and knob.
So I attempted this feat, with a small torch from my hand-phone and this tool actually have an LED light too. It took me like two hours to actually undo the latch of the door and finally it opened. I was sweating back then, a little bit frustrated and very tired. I fixed up what I opened, showered and went immediately to sleep.
That's what I get for being so pre-occupied and busy with what so ever that fun and menial things doesn't matter anymore. I'm going out to get some fresh air. Can't wait for end of this month, I'll be back to homeland once my project is done. Hurrah!!!