Tuesday, November 20, 2012


That song Yesterday, struck a thought in my mind, it was only yesterday I stopped working and left a place with a job routine that was so familiar. It seems so easy and everything was smooth. However life makes a turn which leads me to a decision for a switch. Now, my cheese just moved, not so far away though.

A change in something which I have been doing for a long time feels like a huge wave, crashing away, seems to be messing up all those well structured buildings which I have built, washing away all those weak links of my design. The change however is not such a tsunami to wipe away everything.

What happen yesterday I will never forget, all those good, bitter, tasteless and sour memories will always stay in me. Whenever I look back and recall, I always smiled, especially reminiscing those hard times and facing those challenges which sometimes caused me to want to drop down and give up.

Its a lifetime lesson which gives me strength for today and wisdom for tomorrow. That is my "Yesterday".


  1. Hey, it seem like loads of things happenned recently. How are you? You've resigning from ur job i guess?

    I am doing good. Sometime starting over is good. A lot people doesn't have the courage to do that.

    You'll be fine. Hugs.

    1. Thanks Cher, a lot of things happen in a split second.. I'm doing fine, missing my old work place already, still I have to move on to greener pastures..

      Thank you for your encouragement.. :)
