Figure 1: Me & Grandpa. |
On my mother's side, I have a grandmother and a grandfather. My grandmother, she has been a very kindly and loving grandmother despite her hard past of life, she always tries to be the best grandmother she can be. My beautiful memories about her are many, as during my time at polytechnic, I was always drawn to go back and visit despite being busy with studies there.
My grandmother always cooks for me every morning fried rice or fried mee, which tastes so delicious that I ate so much. Grandma even bring me to town sometimes to accompany her to the market. Where I will carry all the stuff and after getting all the essentials, she will stop by a shop and we'll eat noodle in beef soup or "soto" together.
My grandmother passed away, some 3 years ago now, I was really sad when she went, as she has suffered for so long in life, yet to only have cancer and died suffering. I missed my grandmother and hope that G
I have a grandfather or my grandmother's husband. I don't have much fond memories with him, he is a very fiery old man and doesn't hesitates to hit me with a rattan when I was small. I always hear him screaming loud if there's anything wrong. My grandfather is a man filled with pride and ego.
Grandfather always goes hunting when I was very small, he has a shotgun and his shooting skills is very excellent. He could aim and shoot down an eagle in the skies. However, I was too afraid to approach him as he is a very scary person when I was still small. I don't like to be around him.
Even after, I was in polytechnic, I didn't speak much to him, and only just bring him around town to buy groceries and essentials. Not sure if its me or him, but still, I'm only among the other cousins who is daring to actually hang out and visit him. As I know, grandpa loves money and also gambling, something which I partially care about.
Now, I'm already in my final year, things are very hectic, and I need a lot of time in order to concentrate in my courses and final year project. I was doing field work at Seguntor Biomass Power plant, Sandakan when my grandfather called me, as I was busy, I didn't picked the phone. During the evening after the visit ended, I called him only to know that he is sick.
I visited him the next day, despite my lack of sleep, no matter how my perception of him during the past..