Wednesday, September 11, 2013

My confessions

Figure 1: The best pictures are those without filters.
I am a self-confessed photography addict who is especially stingy on gears. 

Whenever my mind is into the work, I would blank out just to find myself reading about photography.

I always tried my best to make time to take a photograph despite the challenging weather.

Whenever I go, I always try to frame something and kept noticing small elements and details.

I always stare at something/someone until focused and the background turn into bokeh.

Whenever I have to go for chores or other activities, I always find an excuse to cheat a photo.

I love to separate the subject from the background, it is a special type of photography.

Whenever I saw someone using pro gear, I get GAS, Gear Acquisition Syndrome.

I always think so much about my gear and so far, most of my gear & camera are secondhand.

Whenever I see a great image, I will stare at it for hours.

I get stressed if I don't take pictures for more than 3 days.

These are some of my confessions, yet there are sweeter confessions from people around me who are really passionate about photography, and as always, I would like to remind you that pro-gear doesn't mean you will get pro-images. It is all up to you to include the soul into the pictures.

Figure 2: My D70, wish I can repair it.


  1. Maybe u can send the D70 over to KL for repair. It might not be cheap but if u would wanna get a 2nd hand is around 600-700 la :)

    1. Yess bro, I really had a great time learning from the D70, and I really like it for it's size and image quality.. I can print nice A4 size pictures from it.. It has memory card reading problem..

  2. I always felt that I am a photography addict. I wish I can take beautiful pictures like you did but then again, I think all this need passion like you.

    1. All it takes is to take some time to look around and snap, even if it means using ur iphone, its best to always bring your photographic tool around..
