Saturday, December 21, 2013

Mi sunset

Figure 1: Reddishness of the sunset.

It has been raining almost everyday of the weeks of December, and now going to the end of this month, I was looking forward for some night cycling but due to the unpredictable weather it has never materialize. Thus every other evenings before the sun sets, I cycle for a bit.

However, last Friday, I was cycling around and looked at the sky with its tiny little clouds hovering, the storm clouds are faraway and the sun looks clear and a yellowish light engulfs the horizon. I was excited to finish my ride and continue with shooting the sunset.

And, wallah, these are the shots that I managed to get. I was so glad to be able to settle down for the beautiful sunset shot just close to the island's runaway. For me, it is a shot worth waiting, rushing and capturing.

Figure 2: Steaks of light.