Figure 1: Right tools for the right application. |
Days passes by so fast that it's already the middle of the month. I have been so busy with work that I didn't realize that time is fluttering away like pages blown by a strong breeze. I am so glad to have finished up my project proposal just in time for commencing after my day of rest.
There's been a lot of jitters here and there, lots of disagreement between peers and bosses and finally I drafted my proposal and got it signed. There's no more headache and heart-ache after finally sorting out the final pages of my proposal. I am so pleased and relieved. Just before my day of rest.
When I was back at the homeland, I used to teach my little nephews how to write hanzi or Chinese characters, I thought them numbers from single digit to thousands, simple polite greetings as well as directions, time, date and things.
My nephews were so eager to learn and they just don't give up and kept asking for more till I'm actually out of ideas and have to refer to a formal Chinese dictionary. I really enjoy teaching little kids who are so innocent-like that when they concentrate sometimes it makes me smile naturally. "Which I don't usually do".
I miss them, these little naughty kids, one time, they were fighting and hitting each other, the next they're their best friends. However, it is not the same when teaching elder people or adults. Especially since I'm younger of age and was given the responsibility to train them.
From the adults, I always get lazy answers as well as slow response. When they argue, they go on non-stop without even thinking of the actual purpose of arguing. Maybe it's their ego, I plainly have some too, but not enough to actually raise my voice. I'll just say, use the right tool for the right application.
I'll just wait for the right moment when there's no solution, then I'll just shut them up with a slice of solution and march out the presentation room for them to work out the rest. They're adults and so called professionals, so let them think. I hope I won't turn into one of them one of these days, but who knows.
I'll always love being around with kids, those who are young at heart and easy to smile. Always be playing around wisely and be collecting my collectibles. For now, after a hectic few weeks of February, let me rest for a day.